Now it starts to get tricky. First of all, for some reason, Blogger isn't putting a date on my posts even though I have the settings set to do so. Until now, I could look at the calendar to see what day I'm at but not anymore. January 31 was day 31, but February 1, is day 32. See what I'm saying. It'll help that I set up a template for me to put "Day*xx" in each post but I wish I could also have the date showing because I'm not always so vigilant as to post every single day, often playing catch-up instead. Anyway, thought I'd put in some text for a change along with the daily photo.
I'm thinking that you need to add an archive feature to number the post according to the amount of days in the month. Ya' know at day 32 you have 333 days left to make 365. anyway, adding some text was a nice change.
oh, by the way i like goose,goose...,duck!
Yeah, I'll have to check the settings again or maybe even add-ons. It just seems like it's not doing what it's told to do. lol
I checked around in the help forums etc. and found out a part of the template was corrupt. It was a very easy fix.
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